Dabble at a Glance
Game Type Word Game | Play Time 30 mins + | Skill/Complexity (2 - 5) Word Skills Non-Complex |
Age 10+ | Publisher(s) INI, LLC | Published 2011 |
Categories Word Game / Family | Players 2 - 4 | Rules Manual Official Rules PDF |
Our Rating 8/10 | Cost $24.99 + |
About – Description
George Weiss invented Dabble the board game that was published in 2011 by the company – INI, LLC. This award winning game is a word game that uses tiles that’s suitable for 2 – 4 players (or teams) with an age range guide of 10+.
Dabble is fast paced and requires some quick thinking as your time is out in 5 minutes. Play will last anything from 30 – 60 minutes usually and it is based on rounding up the most points.
Who’s it best suited for?
Great for kids, families and anyone that loves word games. For kids (or even adults) there’s an educational aspect of using vocabulary and speed in thought.
I can’t see children under 10 enjoying playing if it’s played too serious. Simplifying it and having play guided in a more fun way would work though.
Skill – Complexity
I wouldn’t say Dabble is complex, however, the skill aspect of winning goes to those fast thinkers that can win over those with much better vocabulary – and myself and others like this aspect.
For those that prefer short playing times, rather than a lengthy Scrabble session it’s a great addition to the word board game genre.
Set Up – Playing Rules & Instructions
Setting up requires pulling (4 tile risers/stands, 142 letter tiles + 2 blank, 2 apostrophes, and a 5 minute timer) out the box to get going.
Points System
Each of the tiles has a number that is calculated in points within a word at the end of each game that a player completes when filling the tile rack. The apostrophe and blank tiles can be used although no points are given, and the blank tile acts as any letter which is a bonus when you see how quick the game unfolds.
Words – Racking Tiles – and Scoring
Each tile rack requires a 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 letter word. Each player is given 20 tiles to play with…..
Once a player in a round fills up the tile rack without without exchanging any of their 20 tiles (you are able to exchange unwanted tiles) in that round that player receives all the points from the other players tiles which are left over. You can kind of see how it works now, right?
If more than one winner fills the rack without exchanging tiles then each player receives the points from the left over tiles of other players.
If every player fills there rack, which is unlikely in the allotted time, but it can happen – then the person with the highest scoring word receives the points of just that winning word.
It’s quite simple. There are some rules to follow and an advanced way of playing that is explained in the rule book which is not necessary to go into here.
Playing Time
It’s up to you how long you play for. It could be for 30 – 60 minutes or you could say 2 or 5 rounds for example….you guys choose.
This how to play video is very useful…….
Versions – Editions
There’s a 2011 and 2017 version in English and Spanish. The 2017 is larger, however, it is the same game.
Likes & Dislikes
I found Dabble makes a great addition to a collection of word based board games, and others like the fast pace and finding simpler words with 6 or less letters. It is open to young and older players, and word buffs may enjoy the different kind of challenge offered.
I would do away with the apostrophe tiles, however, some players may like them. It’s not a big deal either way. You could leave them out if you wish.
The closest game I would compare Dabble to is Boggle, but most definitely not Scrabble or other lengthy in word games.
Final Thoughts
Dabble gets the thumbs up for those waning something fast paced and word based. It is not complex at all. It’s ideal for families and gives children the opportunity to rack their brains for short lettered words.