We spent some time picking out the best of the bunch of Star Wars board games that was themed while also considering who they would be best suited for……….keeping children and families as the main focus .
These are all games that have an original that came before the Star Wars themes and any other themes………
We previously added the best Star Wars board games overall that suited more serious gamers as well as fans that you may check out here.
Top 10 Star Wars Themed
Let’s take a look at some of the best, popular, not so popular and a couple that attract a certain Star Wars fan.
Escape From Death Star
Escape From Death Star is based on an old classic that was originally published in 1976. This is a spin and move game that was the first Star Wars board game created within the same year of the first release on screen.
Escape From Death Star at a Glance
Game Type Trivia Roll and Move | Play Time 30 mins | Skill/Complexity (2 - 5) Light |
Age 13+ | Publisher(s) Hasbro | Published 2016 |
Categories Family / Kids / Trivia | Players 2 | Cost $15.99 |
Our Rating 7/10 | Related Top 5 Star Wars Trivial Pursuit |
For many of us Escape From Death Star takes us on a trip down board game memory lane when games was quite limited in amount compared to the last couple of decades. It was a great game for kids for its time, and still attracts some families today. As with many Hasbro games….it’s cheap and cheerful!
The object of this game is to spin the wheel and players need to get to the Rebel Base after escaping from the Death Star trash compactor. While it is a roll and move (spin and move) type game that’s based on the luck of the spinner and force cards it does a little more going on.
We give this game more credit than the board game geeks, even if it’s not exceptional, it is fun for kids and nostalgic for grown up Star War fans.
Best Suited for……………….
Children that are Star War fans, and it may be a method for teaching some of the over 40 year history to the kids that love Star Wars.
Trouble – Simple Roll & Race Game
The children’s classic Trouble by Hasbro gaming was first published in 1965. A very simple roll and race game for kids of age 5 and up.
Star Wars Trouble at a Glance
Game Type Roll and Race Star Wars Theme | Play Time 10 - 30 mins | Skill/Complexity (0 - 5) Random Chance |
Age 5+ | Publisher(s) Hasbro, Winning Moves | Published 2015 |
Categories Family / Kids / Kids Classic | Players 2 - 4 | Cost $14.99 |
Our Rating 6.8/10 |
The goal of this game is for each player to get their pawn to make it around the board and to the finish line as quick as possible. If the pawn of another player is bumped, that pawn has to start again from the home base. The winner is determined by the first player to get all of their pawns to the finish line.
Everybody loves the pop-o-matic that contains and pops the dice.
The Star Wars aspect of this game is the board design that you attach and stickers of the characters that are added on the pawns. There are a couple of versions and the best one seems to be the one with a dice bubble containing a small figure of R2-D2 as the kids enjoy the design more.
Best Suited for……………….
Children aged 5 and up that are fans of Star Wars. Simple pop the dice and race to the finish game for families.
Star Wars Clue Edition – Just like the Original
It’s quite simple, this is exactly like Clue with a Star Wars theme. However, I guess you need a few more words than that! It’s an advantage to have a game themed that’s just like the original (although we know whodunit – Darth Vader of course), unlike a game say like Risk Star Wars which is nothing like the original (it does make sense to put theme and game together).
Star Wars Clue at a Glance
Game Type Thematic (Star Wars Theme) Pencil and Paper Deduction Roll and Move Player Elimination | Play Time Approx 20 - 60 mins | Skill/Complexity ( 1 - 5) Light |
Age 8+ | Publisher(s) Hasbro | Published 2016 |
Categories Family - 8 Year Olds Children | Players 2 - 6 | Related Star Wars Top 10 Like Clue Clue/Cluedo |
Our Rating 7/10 | Cost Approx $29.99 |
Star Wars Clue uses a 3D board and players then pick a famous Star Wars character. They need to find out which planet Darth Vader is going to blow up next, which room the Death Star plans are hidden inside and which vehicle on board you can escape in. You have a hidden answer card and players ask questions when they roll the die and land on a room (this reveals clues from other players cards).
Avoid getting stuck in the detention room, otherwise you’re there until another player rescues you (if they do).
It’s quite odd that one player can win or all players lose. It creates a cooperative aspect in a competitive game, which is weird. I’m not sure the detention room is a good feature at all, but others like it.
Best Suited for……………….
The bottom line – while we think this isn’t a great board game it has its place in the board game world. It’s an affordable game and family time filler for those that are fans of Star Wars and just want a game that offers fun.
There are also good board games on the market that are a lot like Clue if you enjoy the Murder/Mystery deduction functions of a game.
Battleship Star Wars – Simplistic Deduction Game
Battleship goes back many years and was first published in 1931, it has stood the test of time. We and many others remember playing the original Battleship as kids and it was a great time filler for that era of games that we really enjoyed. During 2015 Battleship Star Wars was published.
Battleship Star Wars at a Glance
Game Type Thematic (Star Wars Theme) Deduction Wargame | Play Time Approx 15 mins | Skill/Complexity ( 1.8 - 5) Light |
Age 8+ | Publisher(s) Hasbro | Published 2015 |
Categories Family - 8 Year Olds Children | Players 2 | Related Star Wars Battleship Game |
Our Rating 6.5/10 | Cost Approx $22.99 |
This is a simplistic deduction game where players guess a coordinate then place pegs on their side of the board to mark where ships are and try to destroy them. First player to destroy the opponents ships wins the game.
This Star Wars version has less grids than the original and makes it smaller, and has fewer ships. Apart from that this is Battleship themed for Star Wars fans with little Star Wars ships that children love.
If my children wasn’t Star Wars fans I would go with the original as the theme isn’t great for Battleship. If my child loved anything Star Warsy then of course ordering a copy would make sense.
Best Suited for……………….
While it’s not a great game, for children that love anything Star Warsy and enjoy tabletop games (or adults) then it could make a good time filler game.
Monopoly Star Wars Edition – One of the better Monopoly’s
There’s just about every theme you could get for Monopoly these days and the Star Wars edition first came on the market in 2015, attracting Monopoly and Star War fans. Much of the gameplay is similar (even a go to Jail) although components are very different and how some of the game functions.
Star Wars Monopoly at a Glance
Game Type Thematic (Star Wars Theme) Economic Roll and Move | Play Time Approx 30 - 60 mins | Skill/Complexity ( 1.9 - 5) Light |
Age 8+ | Publisher(s) Hasbro | Published 2015 |
Categories Family - 8 Year Olds Children | Players 2 - 4 | Related Star Wars |
Our Rating 7/10 | Cost Approx $44.99 |
Star Wars Monopoly like the original game is an economic game where players roll the die & move to get around the board and buy planets. Players can buy planets, charge rent if anyone lands on theirs, go to jail if they land on that spot, go past go and collect $200, and cry a lot or just get the hump and storm off if they go bankrupt (actually players don’t go bankrupt in this version which is a bonus – they only lose a valuable planet).
In this Monopoly version players are able to use cards they’ve been dealt that can effect other players which adds a better mechanism to the game. Players can also play in teams which works very well, with one team being the Rebel and the other team playing the Empire Forces.
This Monopoly version plays out quicker than the original (about 30 – 40 mins) and without the bankruptcy aspect it seems much better. It may be missing the trading property part, however, as a whole this edition is a better game.
Best Suited for……………….
Families that enjoy Monopoly and Star Wars fans, although it’s not hugely Star Warsy. It’s more kid friendly than the original as nobody has to be kicked out the game.
Risk Edition – Lots of ‘card n dicey’ Fun
The Risk edition is our top pick of Star Wars themed board games. While its an edition from the classic Risk collection it’s not like it at all, although that’s a plus for many players. This is a fast playing game that does require some tactics although dice rolling plays a large role.
Star Wars Risk Edition at a Glance
Game Type Thematic (Star Wars Theme) Science Fiction Dice Rolling Variable Player Powers Card Hand Management Area Movement | Play Time Approx 30 - 45 mins | Skill/Complexity ( - 5) Light |
Age 10+ | Publisher(s) Hasbro | Published 2015 |
Categories Thematic Wargame | Players 2 - 4 (2 is best) | |
Our Rating 8.5/10 | Cost Approx $29.99 |
Star Wars Risk is a light science fiction wargame that’s easy to pick up and play in around 30 minutes. While a game can be played out in 30 minutes, don’t make the mistake of thinking it has nothing engaging or challenging within it – it does, and lots of ‘card n dicey’ fun.
This game can be intense and players must get their tactics together (skilled play is rewarded) even though some dice rolling luck is involved to help out.
Best Suited for……………….
Star Wars fans that enjoy lighter board games that are packed with fun and speed rather than complexity and hours of gamepley.
Labyrinth – Maze & Puzzle Game
The original Labyrinth is a game that was released in 1986 which is a family game of getting around a maze using a modular board and tile placement with point to point movement of pawns. This Star Wars version has most of the basic gameplay as the original and differs mainly on theme.
Labyrinth Star Wars at a Glance
Game Type Star Wars Theme Children's Puzzle Maze - Tile Placement | Play Time 30 mins + | Skill/Complexity (2 - 5) Light |
Age 7+ | Publisher(s) Ravensburger | Published 2012 |
Categories Kids Game Family | Players 2 - 4 | Related Top 5 Star Wars |
Our Rating 7/10 | Cost $24.99 approx |
The object of Labyrinth is for each player to uncover all their symbol cards then return to their starting position with the first arriving being the winner. Pretty simple!
The gameplay involves players having a set of symbol cards unknown to others, with players aiming to insert and reach tiles that match the card symbols. These tiles can all move from the current position and move others off the board. It’s all about matching cards and the correct maze of tiles to win!
Labyrinth is not going to be for everyone. However, for those that enjoy puzzles and the concentration aspect of piecing puzzles together enjoy playing.
The components are made with the Star Wars theme in mind which is cool for the kids, although it’s not very Star Warsy. The original Labyrinth seems better to us.
Best Suited for……………….
Children over age 7 and up and families that enjoy maze and puzzle type games and want the added Star Wars touch.
Pictopia – Family Trivia
Pictopia is a trivia game that 2 – 6 players can play together with an age recommendation of ages 7 and up. If you have a family that are fans of Star Wars and want something which brings you all together then this might just be a good option.
Star Wars Pictopia at a Glance
Game Type Star Wars Theme Trivia Cards Pegboard | Play Time 20 - 40 mins | Skill/Complexity (1.5 - 5) Light |
Age 7+ | Publisher(s) Wonder Forge | Published 2015 |
Categories Family / Kids / | Players 2 - 6 | Cost $21.99 |
Our Rating 7.4/10 | Related Top 5 Star Wars |
Pictopia involves having a dealer (host) then players are given Star Wars questions for an individual or for the group to answer. Players have a peg board to place pegs that move forward based on answering questions correctly and the amount played with a wager coin. It’s pretty cool how they have thrown in the peg board and wager coins with the trivia question cards as this kind of adds to the family fun aspect.
Another aspect we liked about this game is the group questions that keeps everyone active in the game, although they could easily get annoyed when not getting the answer correct.
Best Suited for……………….
Families that are Star Wars fans and want some fun trivia interaction to compete with each other over trivia questions about the theme. Fun family game!
Top Trumps Star Wars Match
Star Wars Match is more of a tabletop for kids game rather than a board game. It’s a game that’s kind of like the popular classic ‘connect 4’which seemed worth adding to this category for the fun aspect it brings for children, and pattern building for learning.
Star Wars Match at a Glance
Game Type Children's Abstract Pattern Building Travel Game | Play Time 15 mins | Skill/Complexity (1 - 5) Light |
Age 4+ | Publisher(s) Winning Moves | Published 2016 |
Categories Family / Kids / | Players 2 | Cost $15.99 |
Our Rating 7/10 | Related Top 5 Star Wars |
The object of the game is for the 2 players to match 5 character blocks (all Star Wars characters) in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Players simply push a block through the other side to eliminate a block they don’t want and take it turns aiming to get 5 in a row.
A little added twist at the end of the game is the two cards that players are dealt at the beginning could snatch the game from the original winner (could end in tears that).
It’s a simple fun game that has an easy carry case which makes it an ideal time filler for taking on vacation.
Best Suited for……………….
Children from ages 4 – 8 years old that are Star Wars fans and wouldn’t go crazy if the loser wins with the snatch card.
Trivial Pursuit: The Black Series
You cant go much wrong with a trivia game that’s themed. Everyone enjoys showing off their knowledge among others that think they’re also the top dog in the field.
Star Wars Trivial Pursuit at a Glance
Game Type Trivia Roll and Move | Play Time 30 mins | Skill/Complexity (2 - 5) Light |
Age 13+ | Publisher(s) Hasbro | Published 2016 |
Categories Family / Kids / Trivia | Players 2 | Cost $15.99 |
Our Rating 7/10 | Related Top 5 Star Wars Trivial Pursuit |
The game includes 1’800 questions from Star Wars. The 6 Star Wars themed categories includes The Cantina, The Force, Heroes, Villains and Scoundrels, The Saga, A Galaxy Far, Far Away, and Hyperspace.
The gameplay is simple, just like the original Trivial Pursuit. Roll the die, move and answer a question based on the square the player lands on. When a player has answered all the questions and collected the 6 wedges she/he wins.
Best Suited for……………….
Star War fans (ages 13+) that wish to go into trivia combat with opponents and prove who is the most knowledgeable Jedi.